Genuine peccary leather
Peccary leather is most valued for its durability, elasticity and suppleness. Footwear made in this material will have a very durable as well as hard to damage. Peccary is usually selected to manufacture gloves for its softness and durability. As a result, peccary leather through normal usage and good care could last a lifetime.This leather is distinguished for it's soft, grainy surface. Peccary is the actual name of an animal and its leathers can be recognised by visible hair pores in groups of three and well as small scars that indicate the leather is genuine Peccary. Not only is the leather comfortable and soft, it will also grow softer with wear.Peccary leather is strictly controlled by CITES guidelines, ensuring that they are not over-hunted. All our peccary is sourced legally in a sustainable and unharmful the environment in Peru.